Thursday, 11 September 2008

Magnificent Magnolia

Well here it is in all it's glory. I wish I could bottle it's perfume too!

This photo was taken with Nicci Dellar, Miriam Kriss, Gil Sullivan and myself after our recital today at 1:20. Two weeks of LOTS of home practice and four rehearsals, we were pleased with our performance today. We played a Mozart Piano Quartet. There were 25 people in the audience, one of which was my wonderful son, Mitch, who took it upon himself to come and see me perform!


Jodie said...

Yay Kate ! Glad it went well.

Janette said...

Well done Kate!! Love the Magnolia, what a beautiful colour!!! See you soon

Annie said...

Well done Kate, and Mitch - you have nurtured that Magnolia for awhile now, so I'm glad it's giving you much pleasure.

Jenny said...

That magnolia is awesome!

My Pink & Cream Cottage said...

Hey Katie,
I also had my first two Magnolia flowers ever this year, I kept moving my poor tree around. Ours look the same. Looking forward to next years blooms.

Lyn xoxoxox